At PKF New Zealand we understand the huge contribution that the Not-for-Profit sector and Charitable organisations contribute to the New Zealand economy. We know that Not-for-Profit organisations are founded upon strong relations – a value that PKF New Zeland shares and is known for. Our people understand the importance of Not-for-Profits and Charities. We have spent a considerable amount of resources up skilling and training our people in understanding the characteristics of the Not-for-Profit sector, as well as the unique accounting requirements that this sector faces. We are acknowledged as leading experts in auditing Not-for-Profits and Charities. We recognise that Not-for-Profit is for the benefit of communities and does not mean that they can receive second rate services. Our Not-for-Profits and Charities clients advocate for us on a regular basis due to the exceptional client service which they receive. Throughout New Zealand and internationally through the PKF network, we represent a large number of Not-for-Profit organisations who have a genuine understanding and appreciation of the issues that you face. We can help you with a raft of services including:
Accounting and advisory services.
GST reviews.
Payroll training and tax review.
Software assistance. We are the leading service provider of Xero.
Risk management and identification.
Training in all areas of finance, governance and other areas of concern to you.
Fraud prevention.
Forensic reviews.